To book your slot
+91 9618054515
Camp Schedule:
April 25, 2016 - June 3, 2016
Camp Duration:
5 Days, Monday to Friday
Camp Timing:
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Camp Locations:
Banjara Hills | Gachibowli | Nizampet

Age Group of 6-9


Age Group of 10-15

Web Wizards


Did you know that the Mars rovers built by NASA and ISRO move at an average speed of 5 centimetres per second stopping every few seconds to check for obstacles? Can you imagine the obstacles on a planet like Mars? Imagine programming such a device to perform different functions all by yourself! Roamer is an early robotics kit that aids the children as they explore different facets of their surroundings. Roamer also serves as an excellent introduction to the algorithmic principles involved in coding. This camp taps the innate curiosity in children and their constant need for exploration. At the end of this camp, children create a Roamer parade showcasing different kinds of roamers in a city that they design for the roamers!

Program Activities

Introduction to Roamer:

Children are introduced to the Roamer and the Roamer interface. They come up with a set of rules on how to take care of a Roamer.

Roamer Movements:

Children are introduced to the standard Roamer distance units. They learn how to program Roamer to move forward and back and execute left and right turns.

Animals and Habitats:

Children explore the world of animals and their homes using Roamer. Using paper cut-outs of animals and their homes, students use Roamers to transport the animals to their respective abodes.

Shapes and Patterns:

Children explore basic geometrical concepts such as open and closed shapes, patterns, tessellations and symmetry using Roamer.

Loops and Repetitions:

Children will build simple wall structures and design dams that can withstand a "wrecking ball".

The Pet Roamer:

Children use all their creativity to modify their Roamer into their ideal pet. They will then brainstorm and decide on the behavior of their new pet and will program the Roamer to exhibit this behavior!

Emergency Roamer:

Children are introduced to the different sounds that the Roamer can produce. They explore acoustic concepts such as the pitch, volume and duration of sound. They use these concepts to create the Roamer Fire Engines, Roamer Ambulances and the Roamer Police Van!

Final Project - The Roamer Parade:

Children work in large groups to create a city for Roamer. They will then decorate their Roamers to create Roamer floats. They will then program all the floats to demonstrate a Roamer parade through their city.


  • Explore Roamer and create rules for taking care of Roamer
  • Understand the programming interface of Roamer
  • Understand how to program Roamer to move in different directions
  • Understand how to program Roamer to draw different shapes and patterns
  • Understand how to incorporate loops and repetitions in Roamer programs
  • Use Roamer to explore concepts such as animals and their homes, basic geometry, basic arithmetic, etc.
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and a great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.


Have you heard about zoo conservation programs? These are pioneer initiatives run by top governments of the world to ensure that our animal species are conserved and protected across habitats. And today, there is an urgent need to safeguard different species of this planet. This can only be possible if we understand the needs of all life forms on Earth. This is a fun filled and exciting camp for children as they explore various animals and their habitats. Children learn interesting facts about animals, build animal replicas using bricks and understand the various adaptations that animals display as they survive in their habitats for long periods of time. They will design the most ideal catering to the needs of all animals accurately. Bring out the conservationist in your child with this camp which is fun, exciting, meaningful and educative all at the same time!

Program Activities

Camel and Giraffe:

This program is an introduction to the desert and grassland habitats. Children will construct a camel and a giraffe; they will understand about adaptation and how these creatures adapt themselves to survive in their respective conditions.

Lobster and Shark in an Ocean:

This is an introduction to the ocean habitat. Children will construct a lobster and a whale; they will explore various body parts and prepare a brochure for a "Shark Exhibit".

Monkey and Crocodile in a Tropical Rain Forest:

Children will narrate the story of "the monkey and crocodile", understand the tropical rain forests and play games like, Monkey See -Monkey Do and monkey around with bricks to build these creatures.

Yak and Puma on the Mountains:

Children build models of Yak and Puma which live in the mountains to understand their physical characteristics and food habits. They learn a mountain load of interesting facts!

Final Project - Design a Zoo:

Students design and build an ideal zoo taking into consideration the types of animals, their needs, their habitat conditions, their feeding habits, etc. to create suitable living conditions for all animals living in it.


  • Understand various animals and their habitats
  • Learn animal behavior, traits, food and other interesting facts
  • Explore and understand animal adaptations
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills
  • Gain hands on proficiency while working with tools

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and one great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Evolutioner


Entrepreneurism is the spirit of humanity. We are constantly creating things for those around us to make life easy and comfortable for all. For any great idea to survive, people have to know about it. This is where advertising plays an important role. Digital marketing is the future of advertising. All the big brands we know of today are aggressively marketing their products and services over the web and using other technological inventions. Gone are the days when it took two days or more to create a poster! Today, all we need is a laptop, internet and required technology. In this fun and exciting camp, children learn the tricks of the trade which help children understand the emergence of digital technologies to create artifacts that showcase their vision, creativity and empathy!

Program Activities

Introduction to Tab:

Children are introduced to the tablets and the camera features in the tablets. They are also introduced to different photography techniques. They will then use the tabs in a project where they form alphabets with their bodies, form words and then take pictures of the words.

Memory Book:

Children explore the features of a photo-editing software. They use features such as selection and cropping while creating a memory book of their friends.

Crazy Projects:

Children explore a few fun features in the photo-editing software as they attempt to distort their friend's faces and try cloning different objects.

Art in Pieces:

Children are introduced to the concept of layers. They use this to create original pieces of art and apply special effects through the photo-editing software.

Final Project - Greeting Cards:

Children will conceptualize and design personalized greeting cards. They then shoot pictures, edit them and add the necessary special effects to bring their designs into reality. In this process they use all the tools that they have learnt in the editing software.


  • Learn and explore photography techniques using tablet cameras
  • Understand basic and advanced photo-editing techniques, from cropping to distortion
  • Use various features of PicsArt to create memory books, flourishing gardens, greeting cards and original pieces of art
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills
  • Develop hands on proficiency in photography and photo-editing techniques

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and a great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Digitographer


Our world today faces diverse challenges, ranging from pollution, global warming and species extinction to social issues such as child literacy, unemployment and better governance. To address these and other related issues, all we need are simple design hacks. Look at any successful idea in the recent past - Uber, Apple, Tesla Motors, etc. - they all run on one simple principle - Design and Innovation! Today's young learners are the architects of tomorrow. And, this camp helps children understand the process of design thinking, and apply it to come up with innovative ideas to solve specific challenges of the future such as Space Colonization and Waste Management. Walk in to this camp with your wards and help them design a better future for all of us!

Program Activities

Introduction to design thinking:

Students engage with the design thinking process and get familiar with the five stages - Define, Ideate, Prototype, Evaluate and Reflect. They create an artifact at the end of the session using the design thinking process.

Engineering training:

Students are trained on the use and function of diverse engineering tools. They will use this knowledge to create demonstrable solutions to the challenges posed.

Digital media training:

Students are trained on the use and function of diverse media tools such as cameras, basics of photography and videography, editing software, and storyboarding.

Research and Ideation:

Students conduct extensive research on a specific challenge and ideate many possible solutions to the challenge. With this, they would have completed the first stage of the design cycle.

Prototyping, Evaluating and Reflecting:

Students draw on the findings of their research and ideation and create demonstrable models or designs that attempt to solve the specific problem at hand. They then test the viability of their designs against a defined set of parameters and reflect on their learnings from the entire process.


  • Understand the different stages of the design cycle
  • Understand the basic principles of Engineering and the use of the Creya Engineering Constructibles
  • Understand basic photo and videography, including basic photo and video editing
  • Apply principles of design thinking, as well as the tools learnt, to design, prototype and evaluate a solution to a real life challenge
  • Learn to give and receive constructive feedback and criticism
  • Engage in team work, using critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and one great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.


Summer is the perfect time for visiting amusement parks and hopping on carnival rides! Have you ever wondered how these wonderful carnival rides are built? Given a chance, would you want to design your own safe and exciting carnival ride? By the end of this camp, your child will build the safest and most innovative carnival ride of his/her own. Introduce your children to the world of design while enabling them to make required real world connections. This is one of the most exciting camps that children enjoy. As always, there will be a ton of learning along with the fun. So, what are you waiting for? Join in and get prepared for a roller coaster ride!

Program Activities

Boom Rides:

Children understand the concept of levers and build a simple carnival ride that is based on a Class 1 lever. They stretch their imagination and apply their engineering skills to build the longest and highest ride possible!

Pendulum Rides:

Children explore the principles behind famous rides like the Pirate Ship, the Tidal Wave and the Sea Dragon. They design an extreme pendulum ride to let participants swing from various angles.

Ferris Wheel:

Children build a model of a Ferris wheel. In this process they identify the various simple machines in their models and understand the concept of compound machines.

Flying Carousel Ride:

Children explore another ride that is a compound machine the Flying Carousel Ride. They attempt to design their own Flying Horse Carousel Ride.

Centrifuge and Advanced Centrifuge Ride:

Children explore a type of carnival rides that are used in NASA training simulations. They design and build a centrifuge ride with an added twist, movable seats!

Designing for Safety:

Safety is a critical feature of carnival ride design. The different movements and speeds of these rides create situations that can be lethal. Children discuss various safeguards such as harnesses, bars, gates, etc., and work as a team to build an original and safe ride.


  • Understand basic Engineering principles
  • Apply math and science concepts to the various projects being created
  • Engage in team work, using critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills
  • Use all the skills learnt to design, prototype, test and evaluate an original and safe carnival ride

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and one great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Carnivalist


Lights, Camera, Action! Considering filming your next big family event? During this camp children learn to express their creativity through the visual medium of motion pictures. The camp has been designed to take children through all the elements of film production, including pre-production planning, camera work and final editing. Children learn the basics of visual arts, project planning and fundamentals of special effects. Let your child make some reel world connections in this camp!

Program Activities

Introduction to Movie Making:

Students are introduced to the basics of movie making such as taking good videos and photos. They also are taught the skill of storyboarding and its significance in filmmaking. They learn about the use and function of a video editing software which they will later use to create digital artifacts at the end of the camp.


Children will learn the skills of interviewing and engage in a fun activity where they interview a personality from the past. They write a script, enact and create an interview all on their own!

Create a Silent Movie:

Children use their imagination and creativity to create silent movies using the techniques of digital film making. They make two kinds of movies, "show and don't tell" to demonstrate a step by step task without using any words, and "time to mime" where they use their imagination by interacting with imaginary objects.

Cause and Effect:

Students learn about the phenomenon of cause and effect and its relevance in storytelling. They create short movies depicting cause and effect scenarios.

Create a Movie:

Children will create a movie based on their normal day in a school or a day at Creya summer camp. Teams are encouraged to come up with titles for their movies, design a plot and act in the movies. They work in multiple teams.

Make a Family Documentary:

Through documentary children learn to capture reality rather than an event. Work with their family to discuss an idea about the documentary and build trust with the family, so all of them are comfortable with the idea. Alternatively Children can also make a documentary on their favorite topic.


  • Understand the basics of movie making and photography
  • Create diverse media artifacts such as interviews, silent movies, short films and documentaries which showcase creativity
  • Learn computer skills, lighting skills, camera operation, workflow techniques and editing
  • Engage in team work, using critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and a great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Filmographer


Engineering plays a critical role in the modern world. Elements of engineering can be found in nearly every device we use - from toasters to roller coasters. In this camp, children invent and build their own extreme machines drawing inspiration from diverse sources, from historically accurate siege machines to modern windmills. Your child will get the opportunity to engineer an extreme machine all on his/her own! Join this camp and ignite the engineer's mind in your child and give wings to their creative dreams.

Program Activities


Children explore Class 1 levers by building and evaluating a variant of the siege machine known as the Trebuchet, which was used to hurl heavy objects over the walls surrounding a castle or a fort.

Spring Board:

Children explore Class 2 levers by building a modified spring board. They evaluate the effectiveness of their spring boards and try to maximize the launching distance by changing different aspects of this simple machine.

Block Flinger:

Children explore Class 3 levers by building a modified block flinger. They evaluate their flingers to maximize the throwing distance.

Tow Truck:

Children explore the simple machines wheel and axle and the pulley by building a model of a tow truck. They explore the principles involved in a block and tackle system.

Shop Crane:

Children continue their exploration of the simple machines by building a crane in which a combination of the pulley and a lever is used to lift weights.

The Windmill:

Children are introduced to the concept of the inclined plane. They build a functional model of a windmill that uses the concept of inclined plane and the wheel and axle to convert wind energy into other forms of energy.

TClever Hoist:

Children are introduced to the simple machine known as the worm gear, a modified screw and build a hoist based on it.

The Worm Gear Press:

Children continue their exploration of the worm gear as they build a model of a worm gear press. They explore further properties of the worm gear, such as its ability to transform rotary motion into linear motion.

The Final Project:

Children are introduced to the process of design thinking. Using this framework, as well as the tools and concepts they have learnt, they design, build, test and evaluate their own extreme machine.


  • Learning basic engineering principles and the use of the Creya engineering constructibles
  • Understanding basic physics concepts such as simple machines (levers, pulleys, the wheel and axle, the screw, the wedge and gears), work, force and energy
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills
  • Use all the skills learnt to design, prototype, test and evaluate their own original extreme machine

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and a great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Transformator


Rio, The Lion King, Toy Story, and Up. Can you find what is common among them? Yes, they are all wonderfully animated movies. From the time humans began to exist, they told stories - one generation would narrate stories to the next one. Stories were also told through cave paintings and rock paintings. Today, the forms of storytelling have evolved greatly with the advancement in film technology. Animation has gained a great importance in filmmaking in the recent past. And what better way to introduce kids to the world of animation! In this camp, children will be introduced to the basics of animation. They learn about one particular style of storytelling - Stop Motion Animation. By the end of this camp, they will create their own stop motion animation video! Join in, and give your child the filmy experience!

Program Activities


Students are introduced to narrative, elements and structure of a story. They also learn about the phenomenon of cause and effect and its relevance in storytelling. Using this information, they write a short story!

Basics of Filmmaking:

Students learn about scripts, storyboards and elements of filmmaking such as frame, shot, sequence, film, etc. Students apply this learning to create a short film and edit it using appropriate tools in a video editing software.

Block Flinger:

Children explore Class 3 levers by building a modified block flinger. They evaluate their flingers to maximize the throwing distance.

Planning your production:

Students use the design thinking framework to research and brainstorm multiple story ideas of their own. They understand the roles in filmmaking - director, assistant director and camera person - and plan their own stop motion animation production.

Executing the plan:

Students use the tablet cameras to click pictures of the objects and organize them in appropriate folders. They adhere to their plans and scripts while taking photographs of objects. They will use these photographs later to create a stop motion animation film using a video editing software.

Stop motion animation:

Students get well versed with the use of the video editing software. They use the functions of the software to put together all the photographs they have clicked on the previous day to create their very own stop motion animation movie!


  • Learn and explore photography techniques using tablet cameras
  • Understand basic and advanced photo-editing techniques
  • Understand basic and advanced video-editing techniques to combine distinct media files to create a coherent film sequence
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills
  • Develop hands on proficiency in photography and photo-editing techniques

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and one great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.

View Video of Meganimator

Web Wizards

The average daily use of the internet via computers or mobile devices in India is 5 hours. Think of the entire world! The World Wide Web offers a unique platform for us to reach out to people through technology, apps, social networking sites, online forums, etc. In this era of innovation, the use of computers and connected devices is exponentially increasing, so much that these devices will shape the world of the future. Employment of web developers is projected to grow 27 percent from 2016 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. Considering this, it is no surprise a basic knowledge of coding will soon become as important as literacy and numeracy. In this camp, children are introduced to the award winning program Scratch, through which they learn coding and also engage their creative, analytical, problem solving and critical thinking skills. What's more, they'll have loads of fun and might go on to create the next bigger Silicon Valley or Google, completely made in India!

Program Activities

Introduction to Scratch:

Children are introduced to the Scratch interface. They explore the various aspects of Scratch, including creating and importing new sprites, creating and using new backgrounds, incorporating speech and sound effects and other basic commands.

Sprite Movements:

Children are given a very basic introduction to the coordinate system. They learn to find out and change the position of the sprite according to the x and y coordinates. They understand how to make the sprite walk and glide. They finally create their own project that involves multiple sprites, movement, speech and sound!

Arts in Scratch:

Children incorporate various commands that they have learnt to create music and dance videos.

Games in Scratch:

Children are introduced to conditionals and operators. They use these concepts as they develop simple games such as maze solvers and ping pong.

Storytelling in Scratch:

Scratch is a powerful storytelling tool. Children are introduced to concepts such as events and parallelisms. They learn how to create a multi-event, multi-scene and multi-sprite story.

Final Project - Design:

Children create a final capstone project which will be presented to all on the final camp day. This could be an animation, a music or dance video, a story, a game, or anything else that they wish to create. They spend this session creating a design brief on their final project.


  • Understand Scratch interface and the various commands
  • Understand computational concepts such as Sequences, Loops, Parallelisms, Events, Conditionals and Operators
  • Use Scratch to explore mathematics, arts, storytelling and game design
  • Create a completely original and interactive scratch project, game or animation for a specific purpose
  • Engage in team work and use critical thinking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, digital literacy and information fluency skills

What you get

  • Memories of a fun filled week, new friends and a great learning experience.
  • A Summer Camp accomplishment certificate that celebrates your sense of purpose, accomplishment, and pride.
  • A summer of discovery docket with pictures of artifacts created during the camp.