1. Who can participate ?

In the inaugural edition of the Challenge, children from grade 7 and grade 8 from schools in/around participated. We will notify if we extend the challenge for children of other grades.

2. When is the competition taking place?

Dates will be announced once we are open for registrations.

3. What is the prize? How is it going to be distributed amongst the teams?

The winning teams of different categories will get to win cash prizes worth INR 100,000 divided among the three of them, a trophy and eligibility for the national level challenge.

4. How should we select the team?

Ideally, your school team of six members should have a mix of those who are good with conceptual knowledge in subjects like Math, Science, Design and Language Arts, and are interested in doing project work. The team should also have members with creative skills in storytelling, communication, presentation and expressive media like photography.

5. Can we nominate multiple teams from the same school?

Not from the same school. But if you are a chain of schools, you can nominate one team from each of the different branches. Based on the availability of slots, we will allow participation of additional teams.

6. What if my school students are not familiar with all of this?

Creya learning ensures a level playing field by actually spending one entire day on training the participants on the use of all the resources that can potentially be used in the project. This will include photography and other digital media, engineering design sets, any basic electronics and/or robotics if needed. Also as part of the training, students will be exposed to the basic planning, design and documentation processes required for the challenge.

7. Can we skip the training and directly come on the challenge day?

It is mandatory for all participating teams to attend the training.

8. Who will judge the projects?

The evaluators will consist of members from Creya Learning and experts from the academia and industry.

9. Why should a teacher accompany the student team?

The presence of a teacher will help the team prepare for the subsequent national level finals. Teachers from Math/Science/Computer Science /English and Social Studies are invited to accompany the school team. School principals are encouraged to drop in at some time during the challenge to motivate the team and are invited to stay on for the awards ceremony.

10. Can parents accompany the students?

Parents are not required to accompany the students on either day. Parents can visit the challenge site at the end of the challenge between 6 pm and 7 pm to see what their student have done. They are also invited to attend the awards distribution ceremony.

11. Do the students have to bring anything along with them for the challenge?

Each team is encouraged to bring at least one laptop and headphones for the challenge. Internet facilities will be provided at the venue. For those teams not having a laptop, Creya will make a laptop available. If in case a team is not able to get a laptop please do notify beforehand so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

12. Do the students need to pack food for the event?

Creya will provide a light lunch, snacks and water to the students during the training and challenge days. However students can bring their own light, dry snacks if they wish to.

13. What about the travel arrangements for the 2 days of the event?

All transport has to be arranged by the school or the parents for the 6-member team for the two days of the event.

14. How do we confirm the participation?

The school has to email/post the confirmation of participation. The registration form with the names of the team members must be filled in and duly signed by a representative from the school. The form can be sent along with the student team on the day of pre-challenge training as well.