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XEL is a complete and comprehensive Experiential Learning System that ensures what is promised gets delivered.


The Creya program curriculum is uniquely designed to provide experiential learning in the classroom. Backed by 20 years of research and following the �constructivist� pedagogy, the curriculum draws its content and activities from an exhaustive repository that includes disciplines like Science, Technology, Engineering, Robotics, Electronics, Mathematics, Digital Media and Arts as well as Life & Leadership Skills. Along the way, children integrate practical approaches to learning and working such as design thinking, project-based learning, communication and collaboration. Together, this curriculum provides integrative STEM education to children.

Creya provides a total of about 900 hours of curriculum across Grades 1 to 12. The curriculum for each grade ranges from a minimum of 30 hours to a maximum of 72 hours per grade in an academic year.

Curriculum Highlights
  1. Structured for learning
  2. Interdisciplinary in nature
  3. Connected with the real World
  4. Mapped to multiple standards
  5. Aligned to the latest learning taxonomies.


Creya follows the constructivist philosophy of pedagogy and provides students with a diverse range of the latest and advanced manipulative sets that cater to multiple disciplines and age groups.

These manipulative sets stimulate curiosity, excite and challenge the students, leading to an ideal atmosphere for learning. The manipulative sets are exhaustive, providing students with the capability to create a potentially unlimited variety of models and outputs. This, combined with the open-ended nature of the activities, creates a rich atmosphere that nurtures divergent thinking.

Creya Learning Studios typically include the following Manipulative sets and more:

  1. Brick Lab
  2. Early Robotics
  3. Digital Media (Audio Recorders & Video Cameras)
  4. Engineering Design & Build Set
  5. Advanced Robotics
  6. Software and Applications


Creya strongly believes in effecting a change not only at the classroom level but also at the school level. This is made possible by way of a comprehensive and well-researched professional development program that Creya offers to all the teachers in the school as part of its implementation. The goal of this program is to empower teachers to adopt experiential learning practices in regular classrooms, creating a high degree of engagement and maximizing learning outcomes for students. The teachers are also exposed to the most recent educational strategies in experiential learning, design thinking and STEM education.

The Creya professional development program is modular and consists of 12 distinct modules split for delivery in two phases. Each module has a variety of engagement tools to reach out to all participant-learning styles and maximize the learning experience. This modular nature allows Creya to accommodate for the time and personnel constraints of schools and customize the training program to a schools specific needs.

Some of the modules include:

  1. Creya System of Learning
  2. Experiential Learning Methods and Student Engagement
  3. Adapting Teaching for the Experiential Classroom
  4. STEM Education and 21st century skills
  5. Evaluating and Measuring Student Achievement in Experiential Learning Classrooms
  6. Curriculum and Lesson Planning
  7. Teaching Practice Specific to different Student Learner Groups
  8. Classroom Management in an Experiential Classroom

In addition to training teachers to be able to deliver the Creya curriculum, a major goal of Creya�s professional development program is to enable the teachers to take experiential learning and design thinking back to their own classrooms, thus maximizing the impact on the entire school.


Often the best-laid plans of mice and men go awry , making post-implementation support the most critical element for ensuring the success of any project. The team at Creya, with decades of experience in implementation of mission critical projects, has built a comprehensive system for supporting schools.

Creya understands the challenges of managing multiple tasks on a daily basis that schools and teachers face on a given working day. Leaving nothing for chance, the robust support system incudes the following :

  1. On Site Support
  2. Online support
  3. Professional Development
  4. Systems and Resources


While it is slowly gaining ground in India, there is an established science regarding the impact of the learning environment on the achievement of learning outcomes by students. Brain research has shown the best physical space designs as well as the set of learning practices that combine to encourage students to open up their minds for enquiry based learning.

Creya recognizes this and has incorporated its expert understanding of design thinking and learning environment design in creating the XEL Studio. The design has been based on top research reports that include the 12 design principles of Brain Based Learning Research by Jeffery Lackney, P.hd., and The Language of School Design  Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools, a seminal work by Prakash Nair and Randy Fielding. Creya classrooms are thus appropriately designed to be student friendly and to enhance the learning outcomes promised.

Research based configuration of learning spaces results in enhanced student engagement, increased group learning and improved creative thinking. In addition to this, the classroom ambience is cordial and questions are welcomed, thus laying foundations for true enquiry based learning.

With configurable working spaces - including breakout spaces that accentuate group learning while allowing for retention of individuality - students take center stage and the coach just becomes the facilitator. Above all, XEL experiential learning environments recognize that each individual is unique and allows for an emotional connect to be established with his or her learning an essential precursor to effective and engaged learning.

Assessments are an integral part of the XEL system of learning. The assessment system takes care of performance at all levels - student, classroom and the school. Throughout the program, the Coach assesses the student at each point in time and over a period of time with the aid of comprehensive and well-researched rubrics. These rubrics, designed such that 
all the 21st century skills are assessed, help in taking necessary steps to address any deficiencies identified.

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